Saturday, May 28, 2016

2016 Flannery and Velvet Lake Annual Meeting

Thanks to all who attended the meeting on Saturday, May 28th! 

Flannery/Velvet Lake Association Annual Meeting
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Vice president Diane Jones called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. at the newbold Town Hall.  Over 30 people were in attendance.

Secretary's Report was read. A motion to approve the minutes by Elizbeth Wilhelm Alderton was seconded by Mike Barber and the motion carried.

Treasurer's Report was read.  The treasury has a balance of $13,781 with income of $1425.  in dues and $358.17 in expenses due to PO Box fee, printing and postage, Newbold Lake Association membership fee, and batteries for the boat landing camera.  Motion to approve the report was made by Carolyn Barttelt, seconded by Steve Anderson, and the motion carried.

Committee Reports:

--Fish Stocking:  Lou Wilhelm reported that he met with John Kubisiak of the DNR Fisheries who said that stocking of walleyes in our lakes would not be approved because they are not a native species in our lakes.  Pan fish, perch or muskies would be approved.  He cautioned that planting muskies could increase the boating activity on our lakes and thus the danger of AIS.  Muskies are not native to our lakes either but could be stocked.  Lou said that Elizabeth Wilhelm Alderton had volunteered to pursue the stocking of perch or pan fish but not muskies.  There is a standing approval motion of up to $2000 for this purpose.  Elizabeth said she would talk to the DNR to determine the best species to stock based on their fish surveys of the lake in past years.   
--Boat Landing:  J.R. Barttelt said that 5-6 years of monitoring boat traffic at the landing with a camera has established that the activity has remained the same, roughly 6 boats in or out on weekend days and 3 boats in or out on weekdays.  Reviewing the thousands of photos taken by the camera to attain this data is no longer a worthwhile activity.  The board has decided that maintaining the camera at the boat landing will continue but reviewing the thousands of photos will not continue unless there is a need in the future to check on activity at the landing.   
--Loons:  On May 7 a nest was observed  on the island in Back-of-the-Moon Bay.  By May 12 the nest was no longer there and there were three loons on the lake.  The abandonment of the nest followed loud loon vocalizations on two night and was probably due to an intruder loon.  On May 26, two loons were seen very close to shore on the Back-of-the-Moon island.  
     Last year's hatch of two loon chicks, the subsequent killing of the adult male and one of the chicks by an intruder loon, and the struggle to ward off attacks  on the remaining chick which lake residents named Houdini, was chronicled for a Loon Watch publication by Loon Watch Rep, Linda Boyd.  Tom Radke, Hugh Jones, and Cindy Moore contributed photos for the article.  Linda passed around copies of the article at the meeting.
     Elizabeth Alderton Wilhelm said that people could access information about the loons in Northern Wisconsin at which is a web site and blog of Dr. Walter Piper from Chapman University in California, who studies loons in northern Wisconsin each year.  His blog has several entries about Houdini.  Last slummer he and his student assistants weighed Houdini several times and banded him.  White over white and pink over silver are the band colors to look for if and when Houdini returns in as a mature loon in 2-3 years.  
--Water Quality Report:  Dave Boyd sampled water quality on our lakes eight times in 2015 measuring for water clarity, temperature, total phosphorus, and chlorophyll.
 Water Clarity:  average secchi disk water clarity reading for Flannery Lake was 18 feet and the average clarity for Velvet Lake was 12.17 feet.  It's important to note that the secchi disc hit bottom on two of the readings in Velvet Lake, so the water was actually clearer than the secchi disc reading implies.  The average clarity depth for lakes in our region is 10 feet so Flannery/Velvet are clearer than average.  
Chlorophyll:  Average chlorophyll reading for Flannery Lake was 1.9 ug/l and 3 ug/l for Velvet Lake.  These readings are better than the average chlorophyll reading of 8.8 ug/l for lakes in our region.   
Total Phosphorus:  Average total phosphorus for Flannery Lake was 7.6 ug/l and 11 ug/l for Velvet Lake.  Lakes with more than 20 ug/l of total phosphorus tend to have noticeable algae blooms.  The average total phosphorus in area lakes is 9 ug/l.
     Dave noted that the phosphorus readings for the two lakes differed more than would be expected for two lakes sharing the same body of water.    
--Newbold Lakes Association Committee:  Paul Kern is our association rep for this committee which is composed of the lake associations in Newbold Township.  Paul was absent today due to Mary Kern's recent back surgery so there was no report.  J.R. Barttelt said the committee meets once a month during the summer months and asked for a volunteer to serve as an alternate representative to Paul Kern.  No one volunteered.
       The committee is planning a craft fair at the Newbold Townhall on July 16 from 9-2.  The committee is asking our lake association to help with an information booth at the fair.  Lou Wilhelm and Mike Barber are planning to attend the next committee meeting, June 16 at 4 p.m. to learn more about the event.  Anyone interested in helping with a booth at the lake association committee fair should contact them for more information.  
     Additions to the minutes after the meeting indicate that the FVLA board members will take turns attending the meetings of this committee
--Neighborhood Watch:  Cindy Moore, our current coordinator for this activity has moved off the lake so we need a new coordinator for this program.  No one volunteered.
--Lake History:  Mike Barber is obtain the history committee information from Cindy, and along with Lou Wilhelm will take on this project.  

New Business

--Survey of Lakes:  J.R. Barttelt presented a proposal for our 2017 lakes survey for the membership approval.  The proposal is from the company who did our last survery.  The proposal includes sampling the same 468 points in the lakes which have been surveyed in the past, will note changes in the plant population, and present photos of any new species that may be discovered.  The cost will be $3300.  Tom Radke made a motion to approve the contract, Mike Barber seconded and the motion was approved.  
--Missing "No Wake" Sign:  Linda Boyd said that the "No Wake" sign posted at the entry of Velvet Lake is missing and people have noted boaters speeding into and on Velvet lake.  The previous sign had been posted on this private property.  The property is owned by the Jones family and  Wynn Jones, indicated that putting a new sign up there would be fine with him.  The alternative would be putting a buoy in the channel which would require DNR and Newbold Township approval and cost around $250.   Linda will follow up on purchasing and posting a new "No Wake" sign. Cost for sign is $50-60.
--Pontoon Party Date:  This summer's pontoon tie up party will be Saturday, July 23, starting at 5:30 pm.  It will be held at Mike and Lynn Barber's dock at the south end of Velvet Lake.  Bathroom facilities are available as is parking (fire number 3779 Velvet Lake Rd) for people who prefer to come to the party in their car instead of a boat.  People are asked to bring their beverage of choice and an appetizer to pass.  No pets allowed.  
--Hazard Markers:  People were urged to mark any boat hazards such as submerged rocks, stumps, or posts with a floating milk or other plastic bottle tied to a cement block, bricks or other weights.  

Election of Officers:  Mike Barber, John Ahlstrom, and Diane Jones were board members who terms have expired.  There were no nominations for new boardmembers from the floor, and Steve Anderson moved that nominations be closed and the current boardmembers be reelected.  J.R. Barttelt seconded the motion and the motion carried.  

Meeting was adjourned at 10:05 am. 

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Boyd, secretary

Minutes of the Flannery/Velvet Lake Association Inc. Board of Directors Meeting
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Present: John Ahlstrom, Mike Barber, J.R. Barttelt, Dave Boyd, Linda Boyd, Gregg Curry, Diane Jones, Dale Larson, and Lou Wilhelm

Absent: Paul Kern, Cindy Moore

Secretetary Report:  An abbreviated reading of the minutes was read and approved

Treasurer's Report:  The association treasury has $13781.57 with inflow of $1425. and outflow of $358.14.  J.R. Barttelt moved to approve and the motion carried.

Committee reports
History: no report

Fish Stocking:  Lou Wilhelm reported that the DNR will not approve walleye stocking in our lakes because they are not native species in our lakes.  A discussion of other species focused on a desire to look at stocking of perch or pan fish, but not muskies.  Lou said that Elizabeth Wilhelm-Alderton would pursue the stocking of these other species

AIS: no report

Boat Landing: J.R. said that he and Paul Kern had concluded that monitoring the plethera of photos taken at the boat landing was not a worthwhile activity.  The boating activity since we began monitoring remains steady at about 6 boats in/out on weekend days and 3 boats in/out on weekdays.  It was suggested that we continue maintaining a camera at the boat landing but not monitor activity unless there is a need to check on suspicious activity.  

Water Chemistry:  Dave will give this report at the membership meeting

Newbold Lake Association Committee:  no report--our representative, Paul Kern, was absent

New Business:

Linda Boyd said the "No Wake" sign is no longer up and now people are traveling at wake speeds into and on Velvet Lake.  A buoy would require DNR and Newbold approval and be more costlier than replacing the stick sign that was there last year, so she will look into purchasing a sign and verify that reposting it will be ok with the land owners.  The sign cost cost is $50-60.

J.R. presented an aquatic survery proposal of $3300 dollars for the summer of 2017.  A motion to present the proposal to the membership for approval passed

meeting was recessed in order to hold the annual lake association membership meeting.

After the annual membership meeting, the board reconvened to elect officers for the next year.  It was moved, seconded, and approved to elect officers as follows:
President--Diane Jones
Vice President--Dale Larson
Secretary--Linda Boyd
Treasurer--Dave Boyd
Meeting was adjourned

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Boyd, Secretary

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