Here are the links to the August 2022 plant survey that was done:
Flannery Lake Survey:
Velvet Lake Survey:
Here are the links to the August 2017 plant survey that was done:
Velvet Lake:
See the bottom of this page for the 2012 surveys that were done.
See the bottom of this page for the 2012 surveys that were done.
Are you interested in learning more specifics about the water quality of our lakes? Thanks to Dave Boyd, please see the following information on the DNR website:
The link to the web page for the all the reports on water quality for Flannery Lake is:
and the one for Velvet Lake is:
These pages contain multiple years' data including Annual Reports, Narrative Reports, Secchi Disc Graphs, Trophic State Graphs and a data download link.
Below is an example of what is found for the past secchi averages:
A full point-intercept aquatic plant survey will be done in 2017. Below is the information about what will be done:
Lynn Feldman, UW-Extension Youth Development coordinator, will continue to monitor Purple Bladder Wort again this summer. Monitoring will begin in July. You will see her, along with a couple of youth, out in canoes with a rake measuring the amount of Purple Bladder Wort on the bottom of the lake.
She evaluated the lakes in mid August and found that after everything floats to the top, there is nothing found growing at the bottom. This is a new development that was not known about Purple Bladder Wort.
Invasive Species
Here is a link to aquatic invasive species in Wisconsin:
Lynn Feldman, UW-Extension Youth Development coordinator, received a grant to involve youth in measuring the purple bladder wort in two lakes in Oneida County, and Flannery/Velvet will be one of those lakes. This will allow youth to be involved in a project collecting real data, and experiencing career exploration, youth leadership, and land stewardship activities. This project will survey our lakes this year and next year. The lake association will be apprised of the projects findings. The study will only measure the amount of bladder wort on the surface of the lake. PLEASE DO NOT GET RID OF PURPLE BLADDER WORT ON YOUR BEACH.
Should there be a vast amount of bladaderwort on the lake, a plan for allowing the study to take place and for people to rid their beaches of the weed will have to be worked out if and when that growth occurs. Anyone with ideas of area high school students interested in doing the surveys and anyone interested in helping with the project themselves is urged to contact Feldman at or at UW-Extension, 715-365-2750
Here are links to the 2012 water surveys:
Velvet Lake: